23rd Annual Celebration of Life

Thursday, October 28, 2021
6 p.m.

Please RSVP by October 7, 2021

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We invite you to join us for the 23rd Annual Celebration of Life, held virtually on Thursday, October 28, 2021. This special service is to remember and commemorate the children that have passed in this last year and were cared for at our hospital.

All participants will be muted throughout the event. Towards the end of the event, you will be given the opportunity to show to the camera something that represents your child for other families to witness and honor with you. Upon RSVP, you will be given an opportunity to submit a photo of your child to be included in the celebration's slide show. A link to the virtual event will be provided closer to the day of the event.


Your Name  *I would like to RSVP to the virtual Celebration of Life event.  *Your email address  *Your telephone number