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The ABCs of Safe Sleep - El ABC del Sueño Seguro

Published on Mar. 08, 2024

When it comes to keeping your baby safe when they are sleeping, there are several steps you can take to help reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and sleep-related accidents. To help keep sleep safety top of mind, remember to follow the ABCs of safe sleep!

A: ALONE. Babies should always sleep alone. They can sleep in the same room as their parents, but should always have their own space to sleep, like a crib. Sleeping in the same bed as their parents or with another person can be dangerous for a baby as it increases the chances of risks like suffocation.

B: BACK. Babies should always sleep on their backs and never on their tummy or side during the night and during short naps. While babies do need tummy time for their development, it is best that this is kept during waking hours when they are being closely supervised by an adult.

C: CRIB. Your baby should sleep in their own cribs or safety-approved pack and plays and bassinets. Their crib should have a mattress that is firm and not propped up or kept at an angle. Only a well-fitted sheet is needed. Remember, babies should not sleep on the couch, a chair, a recliner, a rocking chair, soft surfaces, a baby swing, or a car seat when they are not in the car. You should also keep all objects out of your baby’s sleeping space, including loose blankets, stuffed toys and sleep positioners.

To keep these tips top of mind, use our downloadable “ABCs for Safe Sleep” cards in English and Spanish and visit to learn more.


Cuando se trata de mantener seguro a su bebé mientras duerme, existen varias medidas que puede tomar para ayudar a reducir el riesgo del síndrome de muerte súbita del lactante (SMSL) y los accidentes relacionados con el sueño. Para ayudar a mantener la seguridad del sueño como una prioridad, ¡recuerde seguir el ABC del sueño seguro!

A: ASOLAS. Los bebés siempre deben dormir solos. Pueden dormir en la misma habitación que sus padres, pero siempre deben tener su propio espacio para dormir, como una cuna. Dormir en la misma cama que sus padres o con otra persona puede ser peligroso para un bebé ya que aumenta las posibilidades de riesgos como asfixia.

B:BOCA ARRIBA. Los bebés siempre deben dormir boca arriba y nunca boca abajo o de costado durante la noche y durante las siestas cortas. Aunque los bebés necesitan pasar tiempo boca abajo para su desarrollo, esto solo debe ocurrir durante las horas del dia, cuando están bajo la supervisión de un adulto.

C: CUNA. Su bebé debe dormir en su propia cuna o en corralitos o moisés de seguridad aprobados. Su cuna debe tener un colchón firme y que no esté apoyado ni en ángulo. Sólo se necesita una sábana bien ajustada. Recuerde, los bebés no deben dormir en: un sofá, una silla, un sillón reclinable, una mecedora, superficies blandas, un columpio para bebés o un asiento para el automóvil cuando no estén en el automóvil. También debe mantener todos los objetos fuera del espacio para dormir de su bebé, incluyendo mantas sueltas, juguetes de peluche y posicionadores para dormir.

Para tener en cuenta estos consejos, utilice nuestras tarjetas descargables “ABC para un sueño seguro” en inglés y español y visita para aprender más.


About the Authors

Hailey Nelson, MD, FAAP, IBCLC is a complex care pediatrician at Valley Children’s Charlie Mitchell Children’s Center. Dr. Nelson enjoys working with children of all ages and abilities and is especially passionate about providing the best possible care to medically fragile children and their families. As the ambassador for Safe Kids Central California, she is a vocal advocate for children’s wellness and regularly appears in news media discussing pediatric healthcare. She is also a licensed breastfeeding consultant, certified by the International Board of Lactation Consultants to support nursing mothers and their babies. Learn more about Dr. Nelson here. 


Dr. Christine Barros Veguillo, is a Puerto Rico native who comes to Valley Children's from the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine and is in her second year of Postgraduate Residency. Dr. Barros Veguillo is an advocate for equitable pediatric care that is taken on as a joint effort between a child's providers and their caregiving team in the home. Learn more about Dr. Barros Veguillo here.