Philanthropy Heroes
There are so many wonderful people who support Valley Children's Hospital. This section highlights some of our generous supporters. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the stories or information you see, contact the Foundation department at 559-353-7100 or by email.
In this section:
Panda Cares Center of Hope
Click here to see the Panda Cares Center of Hope from our friends at Panda Express.
Philanthropy Partners and Donor Stories
There are a lot of activities going on here at Valley Children's. Click here to see some of our most recent articles on the happenings at the Hospital.
Philanthropy e-News and Press Releases
Click here to see the archives of our Philanthropy e-News publication.
Patient Stories
With over 1.3 million children within our service area, we see a lot of kids. Click here to see some of our most recent patient stories.
Digital Donor Wall
We have so many generous friends of the Hospital. Click here to see some of the generous donors who support the sick and injured children we serve.