For more than 70 years, Valley Children’s doctors have been dedicated to serving the children and families of the Central Valley, and the next generation of leading physicians.
This Doctors' Day, we’re proud to highlight Pediatric Residents Dr. Shivani Kamal D.O. and Dr. Hannah Pulido and how their experience learning and practicing in one of the nation’s largest, most diverse children’s hospitals has impacted the beginning of their careers.
What is Residency?
One of the first steps in a doctor’s professional career is completing residency. Residency is where doctors begin training and learning from other distinguished doctors to provide the best care to patients. In Valley Children’s Pediatric Residency Program, residents encounter a variety of patient diagnoses and pathology, which allows them to develop their clinical judgments, skills and scholarly interests in various subspecialties.
Why Doctors Choose Valley Children’s

Shivani Kamal D.O.
Pediatric Resident PGY 2
Valley Children's Pediatric Residency Program
“Valley Children's Healthcare has been a place for continuous growth in my career as a pediatrician. It has allowed me to fulfill my promise to empower my patients with compassion. As a pediatric resident, Valley Children’s is a great place to train because we see an array of patients that require specialist care, and we have excellent doctors training us to provide that to them.
Valley Children’s is a freestanding children's hospital that provides pediatric specialties on-site that other programs do not. This not only allows residents to learn more, but it allows us to provide the best care for patients right here in the Central Valley. The hospital itself is also fun to be in! It is full of bright colors that engage patients and there are always happy therapy fluffies (dogs) around that brighten your day. Choosing Valley Children’s for my residency has been a great decision, and I am excited to continue learning from my peers and leaders in the field.”

Hannah Pulido M.D.
Pediatric Resident PGY 1
Valley Children's Pediatric Residency Program
“I chose Valley Children's because I wanted to train at a hospital dedicated to providing the best care for children and where I can learn from physicians who not only care for their patients, but care about their patients. As an exclusive children's hospital, there is a different feeling when you walk through the doors of Valley Children’s knowing that all the learning, caring and supporting is all for the kids!
Valley Children’s truly has so much compassion for their patients that is seen throughout the hospital that you don’t always see. Learning about programs, such as Child Life and how much of a resource they are to our patients, to seeing the "extra" things that are done for the patients and their families throughout the hospital that go beyond medical care, it is a remarkable place to be, and I am excited to see what the rest of my training brings.”
This Doctors' Day, we’re proud to celebrate the contributions of our residents and the Valley Children’s physicians working throughout Central California.