This Summer, Think Water Safety

This Summer, Think Water Safety

(Madera, CA) – As the weather warms up, families are preparing for a summer spent out by the water. Whether you’re planning a family outing by the lake or a relaxing day by the pool, Valley Children’s encourages you to practice the ABCs of water safety.

“When the weather warms up, we really need to be thinking about water safety,” Valley Children’s Water Safety Coordinator Mary Jo Quintero said. “The ABCs of water safety are a great tool to help us on that path to keep our children safe all summer long.”

A is for Adult Supervision

“It’s very important that adult supervision be what we call active, not distracted watching,” Quintero said. Active watching means that adults are not distracted by their cell phones or other media, and that they are committed to their job of keeping an eye on children around water.

B is for Barriers

“The ‘B’ in the ABCs of water safety buy adults time to reach a child before they get to the dangerous waters,” Quintero said. Examples of barriers include life jackets and a self-closing and self-latching gate. 

C is for Classes

It is important for children to be instructed on water safety and basic swimming skills prior to playing around water. Additionally, adults should be trained in CPR so that they are prepared if the need to provide CPR arise.

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